Reading Paper Towns as Historical Fiction

I am a massive John Green fan. From his videos to books to his podcasts, I love the things he creates and the work he does career wise as well as to improve the world. However, I hadn’t read Paper Towns, his third novel, until literally an hour ago, and I have some capital “O” opinions about the book.  Continue reading “Reading Paper Towns as Historical Fiction”

What I Read This Month: February 2018

While February hasn’t ended yet, I figured now was a good time to get this up, before I completely forget what all the books were about.

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Bookish Junk Food

This week has been a weird reading week. I started taking a MasterClass on writing children’s books, and part of the class means reading tons of books by the professor. These books, for me, don’t feel like they “count,” to my weekly reading goals, as they are short, middle grade, and take less than an hour to read. So I picked up something I consider to be junk food.

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24 Books that Changed My Life

The books that change you, that stick with you and cling hard to your ribs bury themselves deep inside, manifesting lessons and bringing forth a burst of understanding you wouldn’t otherwise understand. These are the books that are under my skin, for good, forever. These are not just my favorite books. My favorites can include romantic beach reads, weird meditations on public policy, and comic collections, but what is different about these books are the lessons that stick with me, the memories attached, and the way these books affect my perception of the world and my outlook on life.

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June 2017 Reads

Vacations, time on the road and general summertime shenanigans can make reading really hard. I would like this month to be filled with reading, and I am hoping my resolution to read 30 minutes a day helps me get back on track.

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An Affair With Non-Fiction

I found myself over the last several days on so many planes. I flew to and from California, and because I flew Delta, I had access to a wide array of movies. However, I wanted to get a little reading done, and, remembering my resolutions, knew that the long hours would be a good time to make it happen.

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Everything I Read in 2016

Dear Reader, I should add to my New Years Resolutions a plan to keep up with my GoodReads account. Because this year, I read quite a few books, and I should probably organize them…somehow. I read 34 books this year, which is WAY UP from the 7 I read in 2015, and that’s something to be proud of. I don’t have dates for when I read these books, but I started reading this year around April, and read pretty consistently after that. So let’s get into it:

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My 2017 TBR

Dear Reader, I find that when I read more, I write more, and the more I write, the more I want to read. Part of it is a craving for stories, the carnal desire to seek a mirror to my own life and validate my own existence, but part of it is research based. I want to read more so I can write the books I want to write. So here is what I *want* to read in 2017: Continue reading “My 2017 TBR”