Apparently, I’m in Charge

I’ve had this weird shift recently that has required an adjustment of attitude. I’m used to thinking of myself as being at the bottom of the hierarchy, as someone who doesn’t give instruction, but receives instruction.

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What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be?

Dear Reader, I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am as a person. I can list out the qualities of who I am, but lately I have been thinking about things like my lasting impact on the world, and whether I am living my values. So I asked myself the question: What kind of person do you want to be? Not just in 2017, but for the rest of your life. Here’s what I came up with:

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A Year of Accomplishments: 2016

Dear Reader, I have never done one of these before. But this has been a weird year. The election, as with every election cycle, took hold of my life, and in times of sorrow, it can be genuinely difficult to look at your own accomplishments and celebrate them. But I want to celebrate this year, and all the good bits of it.

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A Mirror of My Soul: Three Years of Blogging about Writing, and Getting Somewhere

WordPress recently reminded me that I started this blog in September of 2013, and I want to talk today about why I started this blog, for what purpose it continues to serve, and how I continue to push forward.

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The Days Are Long, But the Years are Short

I have been thinking a lot about this concept lately. I have been reading and rereading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and she talks about this concept in her book, that the years will go by so fast, but the day to day feels like it drags along.

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When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a story teller. I’d weave extra tales from story prompts at school and treasured school journal time. I wanted to write, but I wasn’t very good at it. I entered competitions in play writing and got the equivalent of a “C”. I hated myself over it. At 16, my family went to a get together. First to arrive, a family friend asked me what I wanted to be when I got older, and what I wanted to do in college. 

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