Projects I’m Not Picking Up Again

I think we all have those writing projects that we start and never finish, or leave with the intention of coming back to. I’ve been writing online for seven years, and over that time, there have been a few dropped projects. So here they are, in no particular order, and a brief overview of why I’m not going back to them.

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Don’t Make Fun of Your Dreams

As some of you know, I used to vlog about books on a youtube channel. It was 2014, and I was energized by a new years resolution to vlog twice a week. So I started filming on my computers webcam and editing in Windows Movie Maker. Flash forward two months, and my hard drive is fried and I’m left with a warning that my computer wasn’t able to process that kind of work, and that I needed a more powerful computer to achieve my dreams of YouTube stardom.

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The Quest to be the Best Version of Myself is Burning Me Out

Over the last two months, I have been trying to keep up with my New Years Resolutions while juggling jobs, friendships, my relationship and my life. I have spent the last two years reading self help memoirs about women working towards the best version of themselves. And after two months, I am ready to throw in the towel.

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What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be?

Dear Reader, I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am as a person. I can list out the qualities of who I am, but lately I have been thinking about things like my lasting impact on the world, and whether I am living my values. So I asked myself the question: What kind of person do you want to be? Not just in 2017, but for the rest of your life. Here’s what I came up with:

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A Year of Accomplishments: 2016

Dear Reader, I have never done one of these before. But this has been a weird year. The election, as with every election cycle, took hold of my life, and in times of sorrow, it can be genuinely difficult to look at your own accomplishments and celebrate them. But I want to celebrate this year, and all the good bits of it.

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A Little Bit of Everything: Reading, Writing, etc.

Dear Reader, I am going to resist the urge to apologize for the lack of schedule, the lack of through line and theme, the lack of any and everything, and I am just going to talk today about what I’m reading, what I’m writing, and all that jazz.

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