Things I’m Leaving in 2017

2017 brought out some of the trends of 2016 into full force, and also pushed me to see some of the glaring flaws in all of this. I am always willing to try things, but I have tried these things, and they have got to go. This list also includes some things that I feel like I have been doing wrong. So here are five general things I am leaving in 2017:

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Book Thoughts Vs. Book Review

Dear Reader, I think I have made a grave mistake in making these two separate categories, but I did want to explain the logic behind why I do what I do (especially after posting 8 book reviews in a row from 2015, having some new followers, and a plan to post a couple new book thoughts in the near future).

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Book Haul #1

I don’t know if I have ever done a proper book haul on this blog. I know I’ve done library hauls before, but I think this is slightly different. However, I have found myself purchasing some books, and because of that, I wanted to share them with you.

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Book Review: Buffering by Hannah Hart

I’ve been following Hannah Hart since some of her very first My Drunk Kitchen episodes, and Hart has always kept her past and personal life separate from her public life. This book dives into the personal bits, and it was a book that was definitely worth the read.

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Book Review: The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr

I love reading memoir, and have for a long time. I’ve been reading memoir since I was a child, so naturally, when I heard about The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr, I jumped on it. Ashley from Climb The Stacks recommended this, and the link goes to her video review of the book.

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Books I’m Not Finishing

I have such good intentions of finishing the books I start. I love starting books, but the ability to finish them often requires me to plow through a sense of dread I have regarding the latter half of the book. Here are three books I started this year, and am probably not going to finish.

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